Html open in popup window
Html open in popup window

html open in popup window
  1. #Html open in popup window code#
  2. #Html open in popup window free#
  3. #Html open in popup window windows#

You must remember that most browsers will create dynamically generated windows as pop-ups.

#Html open in popup window free#

Using the open() function, you are able to create a stand-alone, free floating window. While alert(), confirm(), and prompt() will display a window, the windows are limited in what they can do, and worse, they are tied to the underlying window instead of being free floating.

html open in popup window

#Html open in popup window code#

You can see the code for PopIt2.html in listing 4. To make things interesting, the PopIt2.html page includes a call to alert() when the page loses focus by including a call to alert on the body’s onblur() method. Listing 3: Creating new floating windows This page, however, also includes two buttons that let you create the two different windows as many times as you want by clicking the buttons. You can see that one window is called with the page load similarly to what was done in Listing 2.

html open in popup window

Listing 3 shows an example of using the open() function within two other functions to call new floating windows. This is a fully functioning, floating window. You can move it around the entire screen, you can close it, or you can leave it open while closing the original window. The new window is completely independent of the original window. Note: If you have pop-up blocking turned on, or JavaScript turned off, then the floating window will not be displayed! The result is a window that 200 high and 400 wide being created that is independent of the original page. In this case, the open() function is called in the onLoad method of the body tag. Listing 2 uses the function to display a window based on the code in a file called PopIt1.html file. The code in the underlying window is shown in Listing 2.įigure 2: A window displayed using Listing 2: Using This new window can also be sized via the open() function’s parameters.įigure 2 shows as simple window that is displayed by using the open() function. The open() function can call another HTML file to open separately. Instead of using the alert(), you can call the open() function to display a window that is independent from the window that generates it. So how do you do a pop-up window that floats freely?

html open in popup window

Neither allow you to get back to the underlying window until you close the new dialog window they create. The confirm() and prompt() functions are similar to alert() in that they are tied to their underlying windows as well. Additionally, the alert dialog window can’t be moved outside of the browser area of the original window. You must close the alert before you can get back to the underlying window. As such, it is not a freely floating window. The alert() method creates a pop-up that is generally tied to the underlying window that displayed it. Figure 1 shows a simple alert box generated with the code in Listing 1.įigure 1: An Alert() box Listing 1: A simple page with an alert() The alert() method is often used in many ways such as displaying a simple message in a window when a person enters or leaves a web-page. Using the alert() JavaScript method, you are able to pop-up a small window with a simple message to a user.

Html open in popup window